微軟發布官方修復 Exchange 2000 服務器錯誤導致郵件卡頓

微軟發布官方修復 Exchange 2000 服務器錯誤導致郵件卡頓
瀏覽 Microsoft Exchange 服務器的系統管理員可能對他們的新年不太興奮。這是因為存在嚴重的日期處理錯誤,因為選擇的新值“”大於服務器能夠處理當前 Int32 數據類型的值。因此,惡意軟件檢查引擎失敗,電子郵件和消息卡在 Exchange Server 2016 和 2019 上的傳輸隊列中,應用程序事件日誌錯誤 5300 和 1106 (FIPFS)。


我們知道消息會卡在 Exchange Server 2016 和 Exchange Server 2019 中的傳輸隊列中的問題,我們正在努力解決這個問題。

[…] 我們正在積極致力於解決此問題,並希望在今天發布有關如何解決此問題的詳細信息。


首先,我們有一個腳本來自動重置掃描引擎(可從https://aka.ms/ResetScanEngineVersion 獲得)。它可以在多台服務器上並行運行。腳本的成功完成應該給出以下結果:

[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts>。\ 重置-ScanEngineVersion.ps1
EXCH1 停止服務。..
EXCH1 Deleting the Microsoft engine folder. ..
EXCH1 Clears the metadata folder. ..
EXCH1 Start services. ..
ATTENTION! Waiting for the Microsoft Filtering Management Service (FMS) to start. ..
ATTENTION! Waiting for the Microsoft Filtering Management Service (FMS) to start. ..
ATTENTION! Waiting for the Microsoft Filtering Management Service (FMS) to start. ..
ATTENTION! Waiting for the Microsoft Filtering Management Service (FMS) to start. ..
ATTENTION! Waiting for the Microsoft Exchange Transport service (MSExchangeTransport) to start. ..
EXCH1 Start engine upgrade. ..
Run as EXCH1-DOM \ Administrator.
Connection to EXCH1. CONTOSO.com.
Remote command sent. Start-EngineUpdate -UpdatePath http://amupdatedl.microsoft.com/server/amupdate
[PS] C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft \ Exchange Server \ V15 \ Scripts> Get-EngineUpdateInformation
Engine: Microsoft
Last check: 01/01/2022 20:58:22 -08:00
Last update: 01.01.2022 20:58:31 -08: 00
Engine version: 1.1.18800.4
Signature Version: 1.355.1227.0
SignatureDateTime: 01.01.2022 03:29:06 AM -08: 00
Update version: 2112330001
UpdateStatus: UpdateAttemptSuccessful

Then, for those who prefer to perform a manual recovery, steps are provided to correct the errors manually.

Remove existing engine and metadata

  1. Stop the Microsoft Filtering Management service. When prompted to also stop the Microsoft Exchange Transport service, click Yes.
  2. Use Task Manager to make sure updateservice.exe is not running.
  3. Delete the following folder:% ProgramFiles% \ Microsoft \ Exchange Server \ V15 \ FIP-FS \ Data \ Engines \ amd64 \ Microsoft.
  4. Delete all files from the following folder:% ProgramFiles% \ Microsoft \ Exchange Server \ V15 \ FIP-FS \ Data \ Engines \ metadata.

Update the engine to the latest version

  1. Start the Microsoft Filtering Management service and the Microsoft Exchange Transport service.
  2. Open the Exchange Management Shell, navigate to the Scripts folder (% ProgramFiles% \ Microsoft \ Exchange Server \ V15 \ Scripts) and run Update-MalwareFilteringServer.ps1.

Check Engine Update Information

  1. In the Exchange Management Shell, run Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.Forefront.Filtering.Management.Powershell.
  2. Run Get-EngineUpdateInformation and verify that the UpdateVersion information is 2112330001.

You can find more details in the official Microsoft blog post at the link here .


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