Marvel Snap 中的最佳銀影俠套牌(2022 年 12 月新戰鬥通行證卡)

Marvel Snap 中的最佳銀影俠套牌(2022 年 12 月新戰鬥通行證卡)

Marvel Snap 中最好的 Silver Surfer Deck 是什麼?

說實話,我們不知道。不到 24 小時卡就用完了。但是,如果您想充分發揮 Silver Surfer 的潛力,我們已經想出了一些您肯定會使用的很棒的組合。銀影俠套牌已經有很多種類型了,下面是最適合你的套牌的候選者:(請注意,我們已經突出顯示了我們正在使用的卡片,因為我們現在正在爬梯子)

(2) Goose - if you do not run anything big you just gotta keep the cat in the deck!
(2) Domino - if you want to streamline your draw
(2) Scarlet Witch - I keep her in EVERY deck as a staple, no questions asked.
(3) Agent Coulson - if you want to go outside of the 3-Cost comfort zone
(3) Brood - if you need a swarm of cards
(3) Captain America - if you don't have anything else from the list or just want more aggro.

(3) Cosmo - if you want to harass the opponent's On Reveal cards

(3) Juggernaut - brutal follow-up to Storm that will disallow your enemy from putting anything

(3) Killmonger - you don't keep any 1 Cost cards, so purging them all is logically - brilliant

(3) Kingpin - cool to hold the middle Location against Move decks.

(3) Maximus - card for last turn, because you never want to give 2 cards to your enemy unless their hand is full already for some reason

(3) Polaris - to disrupt enemy plays

(3) Rogue - to steal brutal ongoing card effects

(3) Silver Surfer - we can't have a Silver Surfer deck without the Silver Surfer

(3) Storm - cool to flip locations and force plays

(3) Wave - play it to enable Sera on Turn 4, and don't forget to snap before the end of the match!
(4) Shang Chi - good counter, if you want to step outside your comfort zone.
(5) Sera - even if you play Sera on Turn 5, you can play three 3-Drops on Turn 6

其他一些很酷的 3-Cost 牌也存在,但我們覺得它們有時可能有點太過分了。我們的目標是保持一致性和穩定的勝率(通過適當的捕捉)。


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