《守望先鋒 2》中對抗 Ramattra 的 5 個最佳坦克英雄

《守望先鋒 2》中對抗 Ramattra 的 5 個最佳坦克英雄

《守望先鋒 2》作為一款免費遊戲由暴雪娛樂發行,是其之前在英雄射擊類游戲中佔據主導地位的電子競技遊戲的續作。該遊戲最初的推出並不順利,但開發人員能夠迅速解決問題並提供更流暢的遊戲體驗。

《守望先鋒 2》在成功結束其首個賽季後,最近收到了第二次季節性更新。新賽季引入了大量額外內容和新坦克英雄 Ramattra。

開發人員介紹了他作為 Null Sector 的領導者和 Omnic 種族的指揮官的強大背景故事。根據《守望先鋒》的傳說,他來自尼泊爾的香巴里修道院。


Overwatch 2 Ramattra Tank counters

Blizzard carried over the original three Hero classes to Overwatch 2 – Tank, Damage, and Support. Several heroes are organized under the wing of every class that serves a particular purpose or fills a specific role. Tanks are hereditarily a class tasked with becoming the team’s first line of defense and also damage sponges to protect allies.

Ramattra Tank counter heroes

Ramattra is the first Tempo Tank to debut in Overwatch 2 alongside the launch of Season 2. This makes his role and responsibilities on the battlefield quite fluid, as players can frequently change forms and execute different strategies. The character has abilities that can pave the path to victory but not a hero who can evade and reposition without taking a few hits.

1) Roadhog

Roadhog 是《守望先鋒 2》中最有趣的角色之一,他使用霰彈槍作為主要武器。近距離射程是他的專長,他可以通過鉤住拉馬特拉來對他造成大量傷害。路霸可以利用他的大招來對抗 Ramattra 的大招,因為它會將敵方玩家擊退到很遠的距離並造成致命傷害。

2) 萊因哈特

萊因哈特是主打坦克英雄,玩家學習起來並不難,但需要深入理解才能掌握。英雄可以利用更通用的護盾能力來阻止 Ramattra 向目標前進,甚至可以使用他的助推器能力將他釘在牆上使他昏迷。

3) 溫斯頓

Winston is an elemental Tank Hero who uses a rudimentary set of abilities. His ability to quickly cover large distances and shatter the opposing team’s line of defense is a powerful tool that can be used to target Ramattra as he is left without aid on the front lines. Combined with the one-way Dome Shield, Winston can easily keep others at bay and discourage aggressive strategies.

4) Zarya

Zarya is a Tank Hero who has proved to be very difficult to counter and can output absurd damage counts if played correctly. With her energy shield ability, she can easily absorb and benefit from Ramattra’s damage by charging up her cannon. This can once again be used to burst down support heroes and isolate Ramattra with the entire team’s help.

5) Sigma

Sigma is a powerful Tank Hero who utilizes gravity and a very tedious shield that he can place in different orientations. The shield functions as a one-way barrier that can mitigate large amounts of incoming damage and provide ample cover to the team. Ramattra players can be kept at bay by hurling masses of earth and blocking most of his attacks in his Omnic form.

Stay tuned to We for the latest updates and hero counters as we closely follow Blizzard’s popular hero shooter.


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